The inside of a MacBook charger

This is one of the older MacBook chargers with the T-shaped MagSafe plug. The collar on the plug is too short, and it frayed and stopped working. I smashed it open with a hammer. I didn’t realize it has this whole complex circuit board. I thought power...
Fix My Bug

Fix My Bug

After wrestling with a stupid syntax error for several days, I got sick of staring at the same code for ages and started working on this. Fix my bug! Sometimes it’s more fun to help someone else with their code than work on your own. That’s what fixmybug...

How To Sell A Car

Here’s how you sell a car. Pictures, pictures, pictures. But first, wash it. A clean car is magically worth $200 more than a dirty one, and you have a chance to sell it to people walking past your yard while you’re at it. As soon as the car is clean, you...
I’m secretly a race car driver

I’m secretly a race car driver

The morning I turned 16 I waited by the front door for my dad to take me to the license office. He was surprised, because I hadn’t told him we were going. It never occurred to me that there could be anything in the world more important than me getting my driving...

Don Draper doesn’t carry anything

Don Draper carries a wad of cash in his pocket, and that’s it. No wallet, no phone, certainly no laptop case with forty dongles in it. My shoulders are ruined. Carrying a backpack with my laptop and lunch in it for a few minutes causes me real pain. I...