Weekly report

I don’t know what anyone else does with their time, but here’s what I’m on this week. Homework, Constantly In Data Warehousing, I’m 3 labs behind. The lab period coincides with another, harder, more interesting class, so I often let it slide a...


Blank Walls Stare Back At You Have you ever looked at a blank wall and thought, there needs to be a punk rock elephant there? The first page of google images gave me exactly what I was after. Colour choice was probably the toughest part. Hot pink and lime green were...

The agonizing process of choosing a new phone

I feel like a complete ass* for even writing this post. Well, my beloved Blackberry is dying. The charging port is loose and the camera sucks, and these are good enough reasons for a new phone. A bunch of things went into my decision. You should know that the 3 main...