Happy New Year

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut said that. This year I’m going to pretend to be a good person. I’m going to be less sarcastic, listen better, and build others up. I hope I haven’t wasted...

My Raspberry Pi So Far.

Another year, another failure. I bought the Raspberry Pi. Sometime between the entry of credit card details and the ripping open of a cardboard box, a project presented itself. I will mine Dogecoins. 30 years from now my children will ask what Bitcoin was, and...

A Bike Polo Tournament

Vic Winter Mixer 2013 If you play bike polo, you have to have a tournament once in a while. We were talking about it since Jawn Fawn put one on in spring, in Nanaimo. Around October Ryan started getting serious about doing it. I got put in charge the usual way –...

E-Z Bake

Do you miss your Easy-Bake oven? Me too, man. I was always more of a scientist running food-related experiments than a master chef, but still. Here’s what we’re gonna do. Get a lot of different kinds of cheeses, just go ahead and spend your whole tax...
Goals Suck

Goals Suck

I hate goals. I have a million of them. An application that does bicycle related math. Fixing the oil leak in my car… making rideable and selling one or more of the busted bikes in my house. Lots and lots of blog posts that I thought about, then got self...