Still at it. I’m mailing the letters one by one. By the time this post hits the internet, I’ll have sent about 10. I wonder if I get any replies?
Dear Mr Trudeau,
I know a lot of the letters I’ve written you are seriously hippie, starry-eyed, muck. I understand there’s going to be problems when a lot of newcomers show up, destitute, in a country that already feels like it has enough problems of its own. I hope it doesn’t go badly but I know that sometimes it will. You can set the tone, though, by telling Canadians to start with open minds and open hearts. Make conditions as good as they can be, so incoming refugees don’t turn to crime to survive. But make room anyway.
Thanks, Shannon
Dear Mr Trudeau,
There are 4 million refugees from Syria. The population of Canada is 33 million. We probably can’t take all 4 million, realistically. But we can probably take 100,000. How about that? Let’s make room for 100,000 Syrian refugees.
Dear Mr Trudeau,
My friend Dan Bouwer’s church is aiming to sponsor one refugee family. So that’s, like, 5 more people we’ve got room for.
Dear Mr Trudeau,
My friend Dan, from my last letter, says that with 5 different factions fighting in Syria, even when the mess gets sorted out, a lot of them won’t have homes to go back to. That’s a lot of potentially homeless people causing trouble for a long time. We should give them homes in the name of international stability.
Dear Mr Trudeau,
All Canadian are immigrants or children of refugees, and a lot of us are children of refugees. Immigration is a grand old Canadian tradition, let’s carry it on.