Dear Mr Trudeau, pt. 8

Dear Mr Trudeau, pt. 8

Look, I forced myself to write a HUNDRED letters, okay? They can’t all be solid gold. Spread some positivity, even if you have to repeat yourself. Peace. 36. Dear Mr Trudeau, We have the temporary foreign worker program that allows a lot of companies to hire...
Dear Mr Trudeau, pt. 7

Dear Mr Trudeau, pt. 7

Still at it. I’m mailing the letters one by one. By the time this post hits the internet, I’ll have sent about 10. I wonder if I get any replies? 31. Dear Mr Trudeau, I know a lot of the letters I’ve written you are seriously hippie, starry-eyed,...


Friends, let’s talk about the most enjoyable of all mental illnesses – the Inappropriate Crush. It’s made of a cocktail of pent-up hormones, raw emotions, and proximity to the first attractive person who happens to walk past. You come rushing up from...
Dear Mr Trudeau, pt 6

Dear Mr Trudeau, pt 6

It started to get tough, around #27. 26. Dear Mr Trudeau, The Pope suggested that every Christian parish should take in one refugee family. I think that is an awesome idea, because instead of putting a lot of Syrian people in a  Syrian ghetto where they will continue...
Dear Mr Trudeau, pt 5

Dear Mr Trudeau, pt 5

I’m writing on behalf of Syrian refugees, asking Justin to let some more of them in. A hundred times. 21. Dear Mr Trudeau, Immigrants are badasses. They are people who have left their homeland behind in search of a better world. That takes courage, stamina,...