Rocketships, Inc.

Writing about what I’ve learned

Everyone is busy all the time

Here's a couple of things I've learned about recently. I'm working with a client who has a lot of contacts, written up on index cards and stored in shoeboxes. She runs a catering company, but judging by the amount of data entry I have in front of me, it looks like...

Video games, let’s do this

Video games, let’s do this

I don't really play video games. To me, solving hard problems with code is about as interesting as it gets - Call of Duty, by comparison, can't hold my attention. But making video games? All that is is solving hard problems every day... right? There's about ten...

Rainy Tuesday

I spent an afternoon with a crazy lady who lived in a van. I think it was a Ford Windstar camper. She served me cubes of cheese and apples while I sat shivering and trying to calm down. My jeans and jacket were both soaked from skidding across the pavement. Somehow I...

Some more silly ideas

Your brain is a muscle, like any other, and coming up with ideas is a skill that improves with practice, like opening beer bottles with a lighter or truing wheels. I'm working the crud out of my brain now - flexing that muscle, because it's bored with TV, bored with...

Dan Bouwers

Dan Bouwers

  Dan Bouwers: a school teacher and photographer, and an old friend from summers spent at Roberts Lake, north of Campbell River. I have a deep affection for teachers and photographers, and Dan is good at both. Passionate people are awesome to have in your life -...

Ideas, mostly bad.

1. Sunglasses subscription service. $10 for a new pair every week til you find the pair you like, then you just keep them. 2. Urban camo - tents and sleeping bags, cheap, lightweight, intended to blend in with urban scenery, good for street people and backpackers on...

Weekly Report #4

News. I live in a vermin-infested hole so I'm moving at the end of the month. I am not going to Australia, as I previously planned. Victoria is full of beautiful people and I want to meet all of them, go to their houses, eat their food, make friends with their...

The inside of a MacBook charger

This is one of the older MacBook chargers with the T-shaped MagSafe plug. The collar on the plug is too short, and it frayed and stopped working. I smashed it open with a hammer. I didn't realize it has this whole complex circuit board. I thought power regulation was...

Fix My Bug

Fix My Bug

After wrestling with a stupid syntax error for several days, I got sick of staring at the same code for ages and started working on this. Fix my bug! Sometimes it's more fun to help someone else with their code than work on your own. That's what fixmybug is for. Put...